In 2009, the program on integration of ecological tourism on the slopes of the Hissar Mountains has been launched according to the UNDP project on "Biodiversity Hissar Mountains".

This project involves the development of ecotourism 3 SPA.


Why eco-tourism?

Ecotourism is the only direction in the tourism industry that is vitally interested in preserving its main resource - the natural environment or its individual components (monuments of nature, certain species of animals or plants, etc.). When the local population is involved in the process of eco-tourism, these people are also becoming interested in using these resources based on economy rather than removal. Distinguishing factors of ecotourism are that it can prevent a negative impact on the environment and encourage tour operators and tourists to promote environmental protection and socio- economic development.

Specially protected areas (SPA) are objects of national heritage. They are the land, water surface and air above them, where natural complexes and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and curative value exist. By the decisions of authority they are fully or partially withdrawn from agricultural use, and have special protection.


How to find us?

Our address: 45 M. Tursunzoda str., ap. 300, Dushanbe, Tajikistan


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